Bad eating habits of children from lower social strata

Socio-economic differences in children’s eating habits are a key element of public health care. The purpose of the current international study, in which the associates of our Center also participated, was to examine the connection between the socio-economic status and nutritional habits of children. The study, published in a new issue of the journal Obesity Reviews, analyzed data from more than 129,000 children in 23 countries in the European Region of the World Health Organization (WHO). The data suggest that unhealthy eating habits are associated with lower economic and social status of the family, especially when it comes to the level of education of parents and family income, but not when it comes to the status of employment of parents. Thus, socio-economic differences in children’s eating habits exist in most countries and these results are very relevant when it comes to strategies, policy actions and interventions aimed at social inequalities in children’s nutrition