Harvard Healthy Eating Guide

During 2021, many of us continued to adjust to the new normality. As for food and nutrition, according to a survey of consumers in the United States, the previous period was marked by numerous changes in health-related behavior. For example, fewer adults consumed snacks (18% in 2021 compared to 32% in 2020) or consumed more food than was desirable (11% in 2021 compared to 20% in 2020).  However, a decrease in food preparation at home was also observed (47% in 2021 compared to 60% in 2020). In addition to dietary behavior, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect our habits, the emergence of new variants of the disease reminds of the urgency of increasing vaccination at the global level, especially in low- and lower-middle-income countries such as Serbia. As a result of analyzing new trends and promoting healthy behaviors, T.H. Chen School of Public Health at Harvard University published an excellent document of great public health importance a few weeks ago. This is a new guide that contains recommendations on how to eat healthier during a pandemic. A complete guide with a lot of interesting information and new statistics can be downloaded here.